The Youth Development Champions Project is all about:



Offering training to people who work with young people, and who work for young people, across a range of sectors and professions.


Increasing understanding of positive youth development theory and practice in the ‘youth’ sector.


Creating a positive youth development Community of Practice through training, storytelling, advocacy and policy.


The Youth Development Champions Project has been developed as a partnership between The Wayne Francis Charitable Trust and The Collaborative Trust for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development (The Collaborative Trust). 

This project is all about connecting those in role and positions that impact young people, either directly or indirectly with those who are practitioners in youth development. We have worked hard to create a range of trainings that will provide significant impact to those who engage. These trainings are provided for free for organisation’s and business who believe that their work impacts young people

If you are keen to find out more, get in touch.